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Balance and dynamic.

Acrobatic on a jumprope


Description number

семья 4 человека

The group currently consists of seven members who training at Malindi music festival centres and attained certificate and approved as national and international entertainments. We demonstrate each act in different...

Акробатический баланс и вольтижные трюки

various acts

10 актов: Лимбо танцы, Йога-шоу, Китайский пилон, Прыжки со скакалкой, Акробатические прыжки через кольца, Гимнастика, Жонглирование, Шоу с поеданием огня, Шоу пирамид со стульями,...

This art is representing by conjugal duet. It is combination of dance, tumbling and partnering skill that involves incredible movements. This is the highest levels of sports acrobatics. Their perfect bodies remember...